More than 200 satisfied patients

The ESKA endo-stem with the exo-prosthesis connection according to Dr. Grundei®, is the latest evolution of his 15-year-old prosthetic care concept for people with amputations, who can do without the conventional socket prosthesis. The concept takes the anatomy of the human body as a model and, as in the case of the lower extremity, puts the burden of walking back onto the femur and the hip joint.
Schütt & Grundei Orthopädietechnik GmbH has gained experience in the field of prosthetics care over decades. This experience, the use of advanced materials and the close collaboration with hospitals, allows this new form of care. The ESKA endo-stem is implanted directly into the bone stump and ensures a permanent secure connection between bearing bone and adaptable exo-prosthesis.
The practical experience of more than 200 satisfied ESKA endo-stem adapted exo-prosthesis users shows that significant advantages are gained over conventional socket prostheses. Complications can almost completely be eliminated by applying the ESKA endo-stem adapted exo-prosthetic care concept responsibly and attentively.

Long-term developments and innovative ideas come together to create the ESKA endo-stem adapted exo-prosthesis care concept according to Dr. Grundei®