+49 (0) 451 6116 8778

Certified and interested prosthetists

At ESKA Orthopaedic, we appreciate your interest in our pioneering and unique technology, backed by decades of scientific publications, for extending mobility to amputees.

Our primary guiding principle is:
The patient is our focus. Improving the patient’s quality of life by restoring mobility is our top priority.

In order to be able to implement our unique system for endo-exo treatment on patients, regular training is required in order to be confident and familiar with the technological innovations and further developments of our products. Certification takes about 2 to 4 hours and must be repeated every 5 years. This ensures that you are entitled to be supplied with our technically high-quality, globally unique components and the specially developed matching tools.
Simply introduce this system to your patients.
The path to an endo-exo fitting then leads via the prosthesis consultation in an appropriate clinic. Here, a doctor will discuss the individual indication with the interested party and take three X-ray images (with the prosthesis in place, the residual limb from the front and from the side). This is followed by precise planning of the fitting with our team of experts.
After the operation and healing phase of your patient, you will fit him with the knee-foot part and experience how safely and intuitively your patient can walk again, thanks to the most advanced technology and correctly planned, individualized fitting.
Our Endo-Exo-System impresses with its comfort and user-friendliness. Common side effects such as sweating, chafing and prosthesis edge knots are a thing of the past, as are complicated hand movements when putting on and taking off the prosthesis socket or the annoying pulling of air when sitting down.
One flick of the wrist and the prosthesis fits immediately – always. Even at night or with eyes closed. Intuitive and safe. A good (wearing) feeling for each of your patients.

Benefit from the know-how of the original – ESKA, we are the original – since 1999!

Why should your patients choose an ENDO-EXO fitting from ESKA Orthopaedic?

We are the original since 1999.

– We can look back on several decades of experience in the field of Endo-Exo, from the beginnings of the first idea in the 1980s and its constant further development, which has enabled us to successfully perform hundreds of restorations in Germany and thousands of restorations worldwide.

The “Three H – Principle

– The open space structure allows the bone to grow up to, into and through the implant. The open space structure makes the implant one with the bone and gives your patient security in everyday life.

One-off procedure with short implant healing times
– Usually after about 10 to 12 years the implant loosens because it is not firmly anchored to the bone (no complete osseous integration). Another surgery is indicated to replace/re-cement the implant. This is not necessary with us due to the osseous integration.
– Modular expandable system e.g. after femoral neck fracture
– 110 different adaptation options to meet the individual needs of your patient, support the optimal position of the femur in space and thus reduce stress on the implant.

– Easy handling – the exo-modules can be put on and taken off at any time with a simple movement of the hand.
– Significantly reduced side effects, such as abrasions or infections compared to a stem-guided prosthesis

Contact us to request certification information.

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Prosthetist brochure
